Recollections of joining the D. M. P.

by Robert Morgan, DMP Constable 130D, Warrant number 5944

It was in February ’59, that I first left Belfast
Round the rocky coast, of Ireland, to Dublin I was tossed
I landed safe on the North Wall, my course I straight did take
To seek employment in the D.M.P. from Noble Colonel Lake
Who inspected me from tip to toe with Military Skill
And ordered Sergeant Masterson to send me up for drill
I received a kindly welcome from my old friend Samuel Rea (D92)
Who kindly instructed me both what to do and say
He took me to the fire where I scarcely got sat down
When in dropped Sergeant Callaghan to welcome me to town
Who handed me a Catalogue that hung against the wall
And told me not to seem dismayed for I should learn it all
He then gave me a lecture which seemed to him no stress
And wound it up by asking me to pay a fortnights mess
I then produced the puzzling purse my spirits all a gloom
While a Meath Recruit his sneering said is that the North man’s loom
So when Pat was paid for the fortnights mess my puzzler was no use

So I threw it in the closet to save me from abuse
Next morning sharp at seven I was ordered on parade
When by Mr Wards Eagle eye my outfit was surveyed
With my leather stock and baver hat I looked so very bad
I was ordered from the barrack square to join the awkward squad
I found Paddy O more human than eagle eyed John Ward
He gave me such a setting up that I thought I was a Lord
The several evolutions I went through without trouble
But the baver hat fell to my waist when we got the word to double
Some say the hat was worn first by the Amortle Dan O’Connell
While others trace it further back to the O’Neill and the O’Donnell

But I leave to Antiquarians the matter to explain
I bought it for one and threepence in a shop in Golden Lane
Our six weeks drill being over though not yet free of sin
An order from the Castle come to have us to have us sworn in
With buoyant hearts we sallied forth for Lower Castle Yard
About four and twenty Northerns in command of Mr Ward
The Citizens they queried us to know why we did join
For they seemed to think us lunatics because we crossed the Boyne
Once more before brave Colonel Lake who put us to the test
On theory of law that a Constable should possess
The examination being over I was told off for the D
While ambition whispered what a force you had a right to get the G
I knew I had answered fairly well for a clown so far from home
But discretion values eldest son says let well enough alone
I started off for Phoenix Street the Headquarters of the D
A filthy den of bugs and fleas at the rear of Arran Quay
The Liffey seemed a pretty stream the Four Courts scarce worth a view
While ambition whispers clear the way here’s Constable 82
When I arrived at Phoenix Street Ambition stood dismayed
I was confronted by a Constable called Tipperary Heade (52D)
The many wrinkles of whose face and hair as black as soot
I could have sworn that nature formed him to frighten an escort
Sergeant Flower trained me in with me he took great pains

He showed me all the thoroughfares
The courtways and the lanes

He told me not to gossip while posted on my beat
And not to mind those flirts of girls
That trot about the street

Whose wearied composition is mixed with an alloy
That would never make an honest wife
For any labouring boy

Transcribed by Brian P Tierney (Great Great Grandson ), Robert Rowat (Great Great Nephew).

Document: Robert Morgan Descibing Joining The DMP in 1849 – Brian T (1)