My Unbroken Trust

by Rolandas Plotnikovas

My trust looks like a clan of unbroken chain

Struggling with the tension

My trust tastes like a well fought battle

Unable to be forgotten.

My trust smells like rusted metal 

Lingering in the air.

My trust sounds like silence

Never to be broken.

My trust feels like a handshake

Firm to the grip.

My trust is most at peace 

In loyalty and respect

One hundred years later

War a distant memory.

Written by Rolandas Plotnikovas, as part of Poetry as Commemoration workshops led by Terry McDonagh, in Castlerea Community School, Roscommon, in  November 2022. Transition Year students were invited to write a poem in response to Terry McDonagh’s poem ‘My Freedom One Hundred Years Later’, written in commemoration of the War of Independence.