Карта чарів "Enchantment"

by Катя Ван Хаусте (Katya van Huystee)

Не думай, що все втрачено 

Він тримає тебе

Чи вона?

Під руки, на руках

Як дитину

Він був із тобою тоді,

І зараз стоїть не дарма

У яку підхопити годину

Він знає

Не гадай, яка випаде карта 

Не намагайся дізнатися


Проїжджай як на роликах

Через руїну 

У яку підхопити годину

Він знає. 

Все що, твоє – у волоссі і снах

Впадає у вічність морів

Минуле не можна відтяти 

Силами перукарів

В волоссі минулого не лише біль 

А ще й твоя сила. Тримай її 

Все пройде з часом плину

В яку підхопити годину.

Він знає. 


Don’t let yourself think
That all is lost
He holds you
Or maybe she?
Like you are a child
He cares most,
His song is a calming sea
He was with you in every storm
And now stands on your side
He might seem chill and mild
But trust and wait
He knows the time
To pick you up
Don’t try to guess which card falls out
Just live and ride ahead
Like roller-skates through ruins
Whose random turns are led
Sometimes it feels
You make the same lap
Sometimes the map falls apart
But he is there
And he knows
The time to pick you up
Your secrets are well kept in dreams,
The past grows with your hair
The curls and waves bring to the sea
All what was so unfair
And some of course go to the salon
To cut the strands of the past

But the effect…
Won’t last for long
You still might lose the path
And strength, that also was with you
While going through the storm
Pain comes and goes
And you decide
To ride or to get stuck
Just move the rollers
Trust, he knows
The time to pick you up

In June 2023, members of the Ukrainian Creative Hub at MoLI visited the exhibition ‘Roller Skates & Ruins‘ at the National Gallery of Ireland with poet Hazel Hogan and curator Marie Lynch. The group responded to items on display as part of this Decade of Centenaries exhibition. Poems have been translated by Katya van Huystee.